Lucy's Kids for Peace
a chapter of Kids for Peace
Uplifting our world through and !
We create peace through youth leadership, community service,
global friendships, and thoughtful acts of kindness.
Peacemaker of the Month:
How old are you? 8
What grade are you in? 2nd
What is your favorite thing to do outside? Playing baseball and soccer
What is your favorite inside activity? Playing and building with Legos
Do you have any special hobbies or interests? Watching movies
What is something you do to be helpful or kind?
Asking someone to play at recess if they don't have anyone to play with
What is something you do to take care of our earth? Don't litter! Recycle!
What would you like to be or do when you are a grown up? Play baseball for the St. Louis Cardinals
What has been your favorite thing we've done in Kids for Peace? The overnight at the zoo and sleeping in the penguin house
What should kids to do make their schools better? Do Socktober and hold a sock drive for those in need of socks