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We rely on the support of generous businesses, organizations, and individuals who believe in and value the work the kids are doing in our community.

Corporate Sponsorships:

Would your business like to sponsor our next project or sponsor a specific project annually? We will work with you to involve your employees to any level you'd like. Working with our kids can be a great service project for your employees and a perfect way to introduce Lucy's Kids for Peace to their families!

Tax-Deductible Donations:

*If you make a donation via PayPal, please make sure to select that you are "Sending money to famliy or friends" so that a fee is not deducted from your donation.**


to the following businesses who have contributed through monetary and/or in-kind donations to our chapter:



Barber Financial Group

Perceptive Software

Cosentino's / Price Chopper

Goldman Sachs

Finit Solutions

The Rub Barbeque

Mr. Goodcents

Pizza West


Krispy Kreme

Association of Women Lawyers

The Likens Family / KC Command

DSS, Inc.

National Healthcareer Associates

Exxon Mobile



Please patronize these businesses

and thank them for their support

of Lucy's Kids for Peace!



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