Lucy's Kids for Peace

a chapter of Kids for Peace
Uplifting our world through and !
We create peace through youth leadership, community service,
global friendships, and thoughtful acts of kindness.

Valentines for Seniors
We will again be making over 1500 Valentines for seniors living in low-income housing communities around the KC metro! Kids, teens, and families are invited to sign up to make Valentines from home and/or join us to make and assemble cards on February 9. See the link below for full details:

College Care Kits
Lucy's Kids for Peace is putting together 50 College Care Kits that will be going to college students around the country as a fun surprise and to show them some love!
Use the link below to donate items for this project, sign up a college student to receive one of our Care Kits, and/or help assemble the Care Kits on March 1.
Why get involved in Kids for Peace?
By participating in Lucy's Kids for Peace projects, kids, teens, and families will:
become more civic-minded citizens as they gain a greater understanding of needs within their communities and beyond, and help in meeting those needs
learn team-building, collaboration, and communication skills
develop life-long awareness of the importance of giving back
gain leadership and public speaking skills
experience the fulfillment of serving others
Additionally, teens who choose to take on additional tasks and opportunities may:
learn leadership and organizational skills and improve or demonstrate leadership skills they already have
identify needs within their communities and beyond, and develop and implement plans to aid in meeting those needs
understand the value of seeing projects through to completion
learn to communicate and collaborate with local partners, community leaders, parents, and peers
further develop problem-solving and conflict resolution skills
experience the fulfillment of serving others
participate in the Peace Pro Scholarship Program in which youth complete self-directed service projects
Participation in events is always encouraged but never required - join us when your family is able!
Kind Hearted Hand
Peace of My Heart
Our Peace Pledge
I pledge to use my words to speak in a kind way.
I pledge to help others as I go throughout my day.
I pledge to care for our earth with my healing heart and hands.
I pledge to respect people in each and every land.
I pledge to join together as we unite the big and small.
I pledge to do my part to create PEACE for one and all.
Stay Connected
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